Paper Recycling at DC
This year The Daly Ethos based its actions on freedom from waste and worked on the Paper recycling unit. The DC Paper Recycling Plant was installed in 2004 to recycle and make paper from the used class work and homework notebooks of the children. The Paper recycling plant consists of four main processes:
The paper is shredded and put in a beater where it is ground into a fine
pulp in the beater. Here de-inking agents, Rosin, Alum and bleaching
agents are added to make a good quality pulp.
The pulp is drained into a pulp tank and lifted using a Deckel. A deckel is
a frame made of metal mesh which drains the water and leaves the pulp.
The pulp on the deckle is transferred to a stand containing layers of felt.
The felt along with the sheet of pulp is then transferred to a Pressing
machine where by pressing most of the water is drained.
The pulp removed of most of its water is peeled away from the felt and
After sun-drying the paper sheet is calendared in a calendaring machine.
This smoothens the paper. The smoothened paper is then cut into
rectangular shapes by a cutting machine.
The paper is then ready for use. - To further this cause and free ourselves from litter and garbage lying around the campus, DC has installed waste-paper collection boxes in every building and boarding house. Children deposit waste paper from these points and they are collected periodically. All in all, The Daly Ethos has been very successful in relighting the spark in the student’s about freedom from waste.