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RS Conference in the UK

The RS Conference in the UK was hosted from May 30th to June 3rd at The Samworth Church Academy in Mansfield, England. It welcomed delegates aged 11-14 from 14 schools across nine countries. Six students from Daly College, along with their teacher, participated in this event. The theme of the conference was "A Bushcraft Odyssey."
The conference began with an ice-breaking session and a tour of the academy, followed by a coach ride to the Bushcraft Center in North Yorkshire. Over the course of three days, students learned various bushcraft skills, including different methods of making fire, starting a fire using flint and steel, practicing wilderness first aid, managing food in remote areas, and making hot chocolate and marshmallows around the campfire. They also engaged in activities such as camouflaging and concealment. Additionally, the students enjoyed challenging games such as Wink Murder, Beat Master, Predator, and Mafia. These activities were not only enjoyable but also helped enhance their independence, teamwork, confidence, and self-reliance.
The delegates spent two nights in bell tents at the Bushcraft camp and one night at The Samworth Church Academy. The event concluded with a dance party at the host school, providing a fun and memorable end to the conference.
After the conference, the delegates spent two days in London exploring popular tourist attractions. They returned to India with fond memories, immense learning, and new friends from around the world.


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