Performing Arts
The school has excellent facilities and faculty for developing dance skills. Students, girls as well as boys, enjoy participating in classical, folk, western and other type of dances. Choreography is the most awaited competition on the campus. Many students in the last eleven years, have given excellent performances at IPSC competitions.

English Dramatics
Students are given help when they participate as a school group in the Inter-Public School competitions or while producing the play for the Annual Prize Giving. However, for the inter-house competitions, the students are encouraged to handle by themselves the scripting, editing, direction and the production of the plays.

Hindi Dramatics
A traditional hobby where the range is from mythological plays to light comedies. Like English Dramatics, almost the entire work, at the house level is handled by the students. Students have excelled and have an enviable record at IPSC competitions.

Indian Music
Students are given help when they participate as a school group in the Inter-Public School competitions or while producing the play for the Annual Prize Giving. However, for the inter-house competitions, the students are encouraged to handle by themselves the scripting, editing, direction and the production of the plays.

English Solo

Western Music
A very popular hobby with the young generation, students are imparted training in vocal as well as instrumental categories. The school looks forward to extending this hobby and encourages formation of school bands.

The brass band of the school is relatively a new hobby. Today it can boast of over 50 boys and girls who can play instruments like Euphonium, Trumpet, Base Drum, Side Drum, Cymbal, Keyboard. The brass band, under the direction of an instructor, plays a crucial role in the celebration of the National festivals. It has students from Senior as well as Junior School.