RS Collaborative Projects
International Sports Collaboration
Daly College Boys Basketball team consisting of 8 students will be participating in the first ever International Sports Collaboration hosted by one of the Round Square Schools. This initiative has been thought out through months of planning by four schools located in four different countries including Japan, India, Bangladesh and Kenya.
International Sports Collaboration – Basketball tournament will be hosted by Junior and Senior High School of Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan from July 24 to 29, 2023. Our students will play Basketball there to promote international understanding.
Junior & Senior High School of Kogakuin University is a coeducational day school in Hachioji, the western part of Tokyo. We have about 1100 students from the age of 13 to 18 and are affiliated with Kogakuin University, which is a tech university. The school motto is “Challenge, Creation and Contribution.”

Round Square Story Writing Relay –
Pass the Baton was conducted by SAI International School, Guwahati.
Writing stories allows children to unleash their creativity and imagination. They can invent characters, settings, and plotlines, and explore limitless possibilities. It encourages them to think outside the box and develop their unique ideas.
23 children of Classes V & VI of Jr School took part in the Story Writing Relay activity that was held on 18th and 19th May, 2023. The first chapter was written by the host school and was passed on to RKKGPS, Jodhpur. Daly College wrote the third chapter and illustrated it beautifully. The children had a great opportunity to work in a group and brainstorm their ideas.
The Jr school library had kids bustling around with energy and enthusiasm. The final draft was a testament of teamwork! Here are a few glimpses of the activity-

Ongoing Collaborations
Collaboration with St. George’s School Windsor Castle Year 3 (Primary years)
Subject: Global Learning, Humanities, Language, Internationalism, Environmentalism, Communication Skills, Appreciation for Diversity, Commitment to Sustainability.
The kids will be exploring the following unit of enquiry during Trinity Two Cities and Towns are organized to meet needs of the people who live there.
Learning Objectives: The schools will exchange information based on the theme i.e. transport hubs, theatre, museums, shops, restaurants, health and safety services.
Let Us Connect with Mother Earth
In collaboration with Shiv Nadar School Noida & The British School, New Delhi a project on study of soil at local level will be done with the help of research, analysis and understanding the result at global level. What are the differences in their findings due to different geographical locations? This collaboration will take place on August 25, 2023 for classes XI and XII.
Discoveries: Communication skills, Inquisitiveness, Appreciation for diversity, Self-Awareness, Teamwork skills, Sense of responsibility, Commitment to sustainability, Compassion Learning focus Pedology - Complete Study of Soil at local level through research, experiments , analysis and understanding the result at global level. What are the differences in their findings due to different Geographical locations?
Description: Soils are the fundamental of terrestrial ecosystems. The diversity of soils with their inherent different properties, are a consequence of various mutually interactive factors such as earth substrata, climate, topography, organisms, and time. These interactions between soil life, plants and soil chemistry are essential for soil and habitat formation, maintenance, and restoration. Moreover, interactions between soils and major cycles of carbon, nutrients, and water support food production, feed, fiber, and greenhouse gas balances. It takes soils thousands of years to form, while their capacity to support life and environment may be eroded very quickly through a multitude of stressors. Concerted and collaborative action is the need of the hour to conserve soils and create ‘win-win’ action plans for soil and habitat conservation, regeneration, and sustainable development.
Daly College students participated in various collaborative project and virtual events organized by Round Square member schools of India and overseas.
Sustainable Wellbeing
8 students attended Sustainable Wellbeing Collaboration Inspired by Round Square. The collaboration is oganized by The Doon School, India, The British Overseas School, Pakistan & Shirakatsy Lyceum, Armenia which was scheduled on 20th October 2022
Teacher in-charge: Mr. Debodipto Sinha
Student Delegates: Prasiddhi Agrawal, Raashi Gaur, Kavyansh Sharma, Adhiraj Pahwa, Aradhya Sultania, Prithviraj Shreemal, Vedika Mandhan & Yashvardhan Golchha

Michael Ham
09 students of Junior School attended Zoom Collaboration on 16th Sep hosted by Michael Ham Memorial College, Argentina. This was to share experiences about Break time in the primary years.
Teacher In-charge: Mrs. Durga Singh
Student Delegates: Param Turakhia, Anaya Wadhwani, Saiyuri Tapadia , Kriesha Dashora, Navya Nagar, Rishit Machhar, Maheira Khusro, Saumya Baheti, & Mahika Sangla

Dubai Colloboration Jan 2023
10 students participated in Virtual International Collaboration hosted by the Senior School students of The Millennium School, Dubai on 20th & 21st January, 2023. The theme ‘The World of Acceptance and Belonging’ was designed to raise responsible global citizens.
Teacher In-charge: Mr.Gaurav Singh Rathore
Student Delegates: Shubhangi Rathore, Yashvi Bansal, Krtisha Bhargava, Yatika Patodi, Ritisha Gupta, Vaishnavi Singh Jhabua, Adhiraj Pahwa, Vedant agrawal, Gaurica Desai and Prasiddhi Agrawal.

International Understanding Project : Coming of Age
Round Square schools encourage their students to develop a spirit of
Internationalism: To seek out, discover and embrace the similarities and differences
between cultures and nationalities in ways that promote meaningful and lasting
understanding and respect.
Daly College is the one of the six schools worldwide (representing five regions) that is a part of an International Collaborative project “Coming of Age” (traditions, ceremonies and rites of passage in different communities) based on INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING pillar of Round Square.
Proposed International Understanding focus: Coming of Age traditions, ceremonies and rites of passage in different communities
Participating Schools:
Europe : | Latymer Upper School, London UK |
Latin America : | Craighouse School, Chile |
USA : | Nightingale-Bamford School, New York |
Africa : | St Andrew’s Turi, Kenya |
South Asia/Gulf : | Daly College, India |
Aus and E. Asia : | Regents Pattaya |
Collaboration Questions :
What traditions, ceremonies and rites of passage can we find in the 6 Round
Square Regions?
What are the similarities and differences of coming of age traditions/rites of
passage across the world?
What do these traditions/rites of passage tell us about the different cultures?
Task Objectives :
To research and describe at least one coming of age tradition/rite of passage
within each region
To analyse and evaluate the meaning and significance of the tradition/rite of
To compare and contrast the traditions/rites of passage across the regions
To build a resource for Round Square schools to use and (possibly)
To devise a series of relevant lessons to explore coming of age in order to
develop intercultural understanding.